Shifted - Actions

Shifted Caps Lock Actions

Actions are the 'secret sauce' that make Shifted special. They allow you to magically assign an operation whenever you hit your Caps Lock key. These are the options built into Shifted!

Previous Application

(For the multi-tasker)

Switch to the previous application that had focus.

New Tab

(For the surfer)

Open up a new tab in the current application, (⌘ + t).


(For the multi-tasker)

Open a Spotlight search menu, (⌘ + Space).

Smart Copy & Paste (Pro Mode)

(For the developer)

Alternate between copy and paste commands. This allows for quick transfer of information from one application to another.

Toggle Mute

(For the media-phile)

Toggle mute!

Open Finder

(For the document manager)

Open a new Finder window and bring focus to it.

Emoji Selector

(For the avid messenger)

Open an easy-access Emoji selector window from anywhere!

Mission Control

(For the multi-tasker)

Wherever you are in your workflow, you're a pinky's reach away from your Mission Control.

Type Text

(For the content editor)

Set any text that you want to be typed out for you when you hit the Caps Lock key.

Run AppleScript (Pro Mode)

(For the power user)

Select an AppleScript file to be triggered when Caps Lock is pressed.

Search Selected Text (Pro Mode)

(For the knowledge-seeker)

Copy the selected text and start a search for the text in your default browser.